Tefal planned re-opening their store at Wroclaw Fashion Outlet. They had in mind promotional campaign that included both very strong communication about new location of the store, and special offer – buying anything, got you 1 of 1000 free brand new frying pans.
We decided that the outdoor actions would be the most beneficial. To inform potential customers we used strategically placed billboards and short ads displayed in public transit. We also went for promotional action in the neighborhood, giving away winter tea to people passing by. On the re-opening day we prepared refreshments for customers of the Wrocław Fashion Outlet and we provided special activities for children, while their parents could become familiar with merchandise of the new store.
We created and executed the tailored concept for promotional campaign, also providing Key Visuals, POS materials and digital communication for the brand.
On the opening day store campaign was a big hit, as we predicted. All of the promotional frying pans were quickly given away and the sales of this day set a new record for a Tefal brand in Southern Poland.